

Monday, 2 January 2012

Working out

Day 2 of the new year.  I suppose today is as good as any to start working out.  I've always thought that when I turned 20 I would be at the prime of my life.  I'm supposed to be at my strongest, the most independent I'll ever be and my happiest.

If I want to solve these feelings of self doubt, body image, etc I should take it into my own hands.  So after I post this I'm going to start some pushups, situps and jogging.  Time to try and be the 20 year old I thought I'd be >:D

Besides, good cardio leaves the zombies hungry.



  1. Getting fit is a good idea.
    I'll do it later. XD

  2. Gah, that was my attitude! BAD MARTER!

  3. I did 4 hours of running up and down stairs while doing (relatively) heavy lifting!

    I'm okay in terms of fitness! (Although I do need to improve my strength, as I'm quite weak.)
