

Friday, 25 November 2011

The lines I won't cross

Back in University I had my first drink.  I had a lot of drinks.  I got drunk probably twice a week at one point as I experimented with alcohol for the first time in my life.  Not too surprisingly I was offered more than just alcohol.  A number of my friends smoked marijuana and constantly offered it to me, especially when I was reaching my limits drinking at their apartment.  Even in my drunkest moments I always refused point blank.

Drinking for the sake of drinking has long since lost its appeal.  I treat it more like a social activity now and I haven't had much to drink since October.  Thing is, unlike Vancouver, small town Saskatchewan requires you to be sober because you can't just hitch a ride on the Skytrain home.  No, you need to drive everywhere and one thing that I will never do is drive while under the influence.  Besides, my friends here aren't much for drinking anyway and I'm needing to save money.

So drugs and alcohol have both touched my life, the latter more than the former.  I'm proud to say that I've successfully controlled all my interactions with the both of them.  For drugs, I just don't want to go there.  Not just because of the health concerns but also staying true to something I promised myself as a kid in school.  I would never smoke.  I lost one Uncle to lung cancer and I wasn't going to do that to myself.  Then there comes the needles.  I hate needles.  Snorting?  Gross.  One friend almost tricked me with a pot-cookie but I declined to eat it when he kept pushing me to eat it.  I just don't like the idea of taking something more mind altering than alcohol.  I know I can handle alcohol now; I'm not willing to take a leap in the dark again with weed.

Some would say I've handled drinking too carefully, that planning a way home or a place to sleep before I get smashed ruins the spontaneous nature of it all.  To that I say bullshit.  I can have fun, I just keep a lifeline to get me somewhere safe to sleep it off.  When I'm drinking I'll always drink more water than alcohol to help with the hangover the next morning.  It's ridiculous how much it helps me.  I can hold a fair bit of poison in me but I really haven't been inclined to lately.  Nobody to drink with (drinking with online friends isn't the same) and not living in a city have sobered me up for much longer than my own willpower did.  I was never addicted to drinking, I was more addicted to messing around with my friends in Vancouver.  I went full sober in March this year to prove that I could stop drinking and I did it no sweat.  I'm not concerned about me developing a drinking problem.

Nope, I have other addictions.  Addictions I will cover in another post (Note to me: make this post).

Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to drink now.  Milk.


1 comment:

  1. And I must salute you for this post.


    Now if you excuse me, I have to go have something to drink: A milkSHAKE. HA! I WIN!!! ;)
